Last night after a much needed night out with friends at Myler park barbequing, playing Frisbee, and spending quality time discussing our weeks and our plans for the 4th of July. We rushed home to get things in order for my parents who were coming the next day! An with all my stress of getting the house cleaned I misplaced what I would call my life line, my personal hand held planner, my bible search engine, alarm clock and my connection to the world! Yes my cell phone is all these things to me! So you can imagine my frustration! I frantically searched everywhere! Retraced my steps more times then I count and no where did I find my cell phone! When it hit me something my husband said to me the other day and I quote "Honey don't you think you need a break from your phone." The worst part about this statement is, it was and is true and at that exact moment I didn't even acknowledge what he had to say. Then I thought perhaps this is God's way of saying to me " Denae you need a break, take time for yourself and to spend quality time with me, take this time to fast" As much as I hated being wrong at the same time I knew it was the right thing to do. So here I am twittering my thumbs. An trying not to argue with the big man upstairs. So instead of relying on my phone I'm taking this time to rely on God because When we do, we can experience increased intimacy with him and close communion with Christ. An he will bless and reward us when we obey Him and break the devil's chains of addiction.
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.