Now I know that Memorial Day is all about honoring the people we lost but I thought it wouldn't be right for me to share without the reason I see this day to be so important. An for that I have to introduce you to two men in my life that are still alive and well but have truly shown me the heart of the military. The reason I see the meaning of Memorial Day in a whole new light.
When first meeting my now father in law, Dave. I was so intimidated by the military. I grew up a sheltered life and all I knew about war and the military was what I read in books or saw on tv. I was naive and young and the idea of anything military scared me. But after getting to know him the wisdom, structure, and stability that the Navy gave him. It gave me a whole new respect for him and the military.
So when my husband decided to join the Air Force in March of 2010 I was filled with emotions. I was excited of the possibilities of what are future looked like and I was nervous for the thought of leaving everything I knew and loved. But I knew that there was no better decision than for Tanner to start on the same journey that his father did. I know that the military has made him a better man.
Because of these two men when I think about Memorial Day it burdens my heart. Although I have not experienced a deployment of my own yet. I know that the risk is real. An the people we honor on Memorial Day are someone's family.
I think for most of us Memorial day typically marks the start of the summer but for me Memorial Day is a day to honor the long line of military men and women that chose to put down there selfishness and fight not just for our family but for all the families. Who have lost fathers, sons, daughters, and husbands.
Join me in honoring them and praying for there families.