Thursday, January 12, 2012


I guess I didn't realize just how long its been since I've shared with everyone. You know its funny because whether it just be that life got away from me or the fact that I was so stuck in a mundane day to day routine and felt like nothing was worth sharing. Both are sad excuses.  I suppose that life has been like I mentioned before routine. I started noticing recently that if I were to actually write a book about my life no one would read it. Perhaps because every page would say the same thing. Get up, go through morning routine, go to work, Come home from work, go to gym, come home from gym, make dinner, settle in on the couch with my computer and unwind for the rest of the night. Wake up the next day and do it all over again. With that being said my new years resolution this year is to enjoy the year 2012. I plan to laugh more, Cry more, learn more, experience more! I want to have that personality that anything is possible if you just believe! Be able to be more spontaneous without second guessing if it really is a good idea! I want to take time to notice the small things in life that make life worth living;be able to breathe deep and enjoy the sound of the rain. I want to make the time to see the people I rarely seen and spend time with people that I care most about. But most important I want to not take it all for granite. 

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