As a child I always lived on the water. From our first home on Lake Missaukkee to the house my parents live in now on the Clam River and my absolute favorite, the place that is the most dear to my heart, our families Cottage on Gun Lake. I feel like I was born in the water and always loved being apart of all the laughter and love that was associated with being at the lake. I have vivid memories growing up and spending my weekends with the whole family. Wanting to be cool enough to hang out with all of my older cousins, tagging along with them where ever they went. I'm sure they loved having me around. I just can't believe that those memories are all we are going to have left of the lake now that the cottage is sold. I don't think we realize just how much we took the lake for granted waking up on Saturday mornings to my grandma playing the piano basking in the sun on the Pon toon, tubing, water skiing, jet skiing, picnics in the backyard, walks and bike yards through the cul de sac. I can't imagine how its feels for our parents watching all of us kids grow up at the lake. Its feels like were losing a piece of the family, a piece of tradition. It breaks my heart now that all of us kids are grown and have families we wont be able to share the same memories of the cottage with them.

The cottage
Sunday Picnics with the Meyering Family
I feel the same way, Denae! In fact, I've got a lengthy blog entry drafted now about the sadness of saying goodbye to The Lake. As soon as I can gather up some old pictures, it will be posted. Stay tuned!