Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!

We all know that Mother’s Day is about celebrating all the little things that make moms so special. So I think it's fitting to set aside this day to appreciate the women who cared for me in my fragile, young years of life, and significantly shaped who I am as an adults. For me, and I suspect many others as well, I did not appreciate all my mother did for me when I was a child and an angsty teenager. Somewhere between then and now though, I have come to appreciate all she has done for me. From the boo boos she kissed as a kid, to tending my many broken hearts as a teen, and now by giving me the advice I so readily need as an adult. Though there may be miles that separate us there are still a million big and small ways my Mom lets me know how much she loves me everyday.

Mom and I, Fort Meyers Florida

Although I will not fully comprehend the significance of raising a child until (Lord willing) I have children of my own, I do recognize the role my mother played in shaping my Christian faith and who I am today. As a young child, I always looked up to my mom for being so strong, working hard, taking care of our family, taking care of me, always giving her time and energy even when she didn't have it, and countless other demands(Most of which im sure go unnoticed).

                                                         Mom and I, Gulf Shores Alabama

From an outsider’s perspective it may not look like an extraordinary life, but the everydayness of our quality time together and simply just being available to talk at any time are the things our ordinary lives and relationships are made of.

                                                         Mom and I, Lackland AFB

I have a hard time putting into words exactly how my mom has influenced my life – it has been in so many ways and is too close to see clearly. I am thankful for the faith she passed on and the countless prayers she has prayed that have shaped my life in unknown ways. No one has shaped me more than my mom has, and I am so grateful she shared her love with me.

                                             Mom and I, Rocky Mountain National Park Co.

If I am blessed to become a mother myself someday, I will certainly look to my mom and her example for guidance. Bringing a human being into the world and preparing them for life is no small task. So on this Mother’s Day – to all moms, but my own in particular, thank you! Your commitment, sacrifices, and love have not gone unnoticed.

I love you Mom!

Proverbs 22:6

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

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